by Eric Walters
An article this week in the Baltimore Sun entitled, “Minister rich in spirit,” profiled the ministry of Reverend Jamaal Harrison-Bryant, pastor of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore, MD. The article describes how Harrison-Bryant's message of financial and personal empowerment has catapulted him to celebrity status amongst a new generation of Christians. It has also afforded Bryant access to political, economic, and social/cultural clout, in addition to a lifestyle of unashamed opulence.
I received an email today from a colleague who read the article. Here’s some of what he wrote:
“…[The] ministry of Jesus, as described twice in the gospel of Matthew, was to serve the people through teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and disease among the people. This was done because he had compassion for the people—or more strongly and accurately stated; he was suffering with, the people. Tell me in this article where there is [any] “suffering with” the people…..Until we [as ministers] “suffer with” the people, we will never get to true ministries that matter.”
The phenomenon of megachurch ministry, particularly in Black churches, raises numerous questions about the authenticity of contemporary ministry and its adherence to biblical accuracy.
Do megachurches today reflect a shift in values that have traditionally acculturated and sustained Black Americans? Is this a good thing?
How effective are ministries that pride themselves on a gospel of prosperity and personal empowerment that is oftentimes nourished by freewill individualism in preaching and teaching?
What are the consequences of “personal empowerment” ministry in the long run?
Eric Walters is Co-Founder of TheoSyst Group.
Friday, December 8, 2006
Should Christians Aspire to be Rich?
Posted by
TheoSyst Group Editor
12:18 AM
Saturday, December 2, 2006
"An eye for an eye, and the whole world would be blind."
--Khalil Gibran
Posted by
TheoSyst Group Editor
6:32 PM
Ted Haggard’s Fall from Grace: A Lesson in Preventive Ministry
by Carolus Taylor
By now most of us are familiar with the plight of Ted Haggard, then Pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and head of the National Association of Evangelicals, who was exposed last month in a sex/drug scandal. An article in The Los Angeles Times entitled, “Haggard bares his soul in note to congregation” reported certain details of Haggard’s confession, and reaction to it by members of the New Life Church.
Here are some excerpts from the article:
…Haggard had been struggling for three years to balance his duties as pastor with his high-profile role as head of the evangelical association — a job that raised his political profile and got him invited to the Oval Office and in on conference calls with the White House…
…Haggard had tried to carve out time to reflect and to write his books by secluding himself now and then in a Denver hotel. That is apparently when he first contacted the prostitute, Mike Jones, who advertised as a masseur in gay magazines…

…Haggard alluded to this period in his letter, saying that his pride had prevented him from seeking counseling; he hadn't wanted to disappoint those who loved him. "When I stopped communicating about my problems," he wrote, "the darkness increased and finally dominated me."
I want to be clear I am not going to address how awful and scandalous the behavior. Instead, I want to address and have us think about from a ministerial perspective some of the comments identified in his letter to the church.
There are three factors that are of concern, and they are all interrelated: (1) his personal struggle with issues, (2) his time alone, and (3) his pride. As ministers, all of us have our areas of struggle. There are temptations before us that seek to destroy the call of God on our lives. We do not have an automatic exempt from temptation just because we have been called to the ministry. What better way to cast doubts on the gospel than to have the God-called preacher/pastor fall, and be exposed publicly. The issue is not that we have temptations, but how we are battling our temptations. Are we fighting alone, or are we asking other believers to assist us in the battle?
Haggard’s time alone and his pride, gave the enemy the opportunity and opening to turn up the heat. Apparently, Haggard struggled alone with his issues. Time alone made Haggard void of the company of his family, void of the company of other believers, void of prayer partners, void of individuals who would disciple him. We cannot defeat the enemy of our own accord, but need help from God who provides others in our lives. We need to surround ourselves with people who will hold us accountable.
I have thought much about the issue of pride. His pride prevented him from asking for help because he did not want to disappoint those he loved. The enemy clouds our judgment and prevents us from getting the help (the counsel, the accountability) we need because we are thinking of how others will think about us. It is our personal perception of what others will think about us. Thus we reject much needed help, and we do battle alone; a battle we are sure to lose.
There is also the fear of the reaction (and perhaps rejection) we will get if we open ourselves up to others. I am not suggesting we tell our struggles to everyone. We need to be careful and selective. But we do have a sense that if we reveal our deepest struggles and temptations, then people are going to say, “You should not be feeling like that.”
Does mature faith mean that we should come to the place where a minister should be able to reveal a struggle no matter how vile and vulgar?
As ministers, can we truly handle a pastor/minister who comes to us with the information they are struggling with about homosexuality, struggling with adultery, pornography, embezzlement, spousal abuse or some other immoral act?
Can someone reveal their deepest struggle with us, having confidence it will stay with us, and that we will hold each other accountable for doing the right thing?
Our members come to us with their most intimate struggles, but who do we go to with our struggles?
I pray that shame and pride will never prevent us from sharing our struggle with someone, and that we may find others who hold us accountable and help us through our most difficult times.
Just some thoughts, I would appreciate any reaction.
Carolus Taylor is Senior Pastor of the Friendship Baptist Church in Columbia, Missouri.
Posted by
TheoSyst Group Editor
6:32 PM
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